Netdohoa Blogger Template

Netdohoa Blogger Template
Netdohoa Blogger Template

Template author: NetDoHoa
Description: Netdohoa Blogger Template is a free, fresh and clean Bogger template, gray and white color background, 2 columns layout with right sidebar, slide show and ads space support.
Author: netdohoa
Configure Meta tags : Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML.Now Scroll down to where you see below codes :
<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
Replace DESCRIPTION HERE,KEYWORDS HERE as below. DESCRIPTION HERE : Write your blog description KEYWORDS HERE: Write the keywords of your blog separated by comma.
How To Configure Favicon : Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML.Now Scroll down to where you see below code :
<link href='YOUR-FAVICON-URL' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/'/>
Now replace "YOUR-FAVICON-URL" with your Favicon address/url.