Perogato Blogger Template

Perogato Blogger Template
Perogato Blogger Template

Template author :  
Description: Perogato is very professional looking blogger template that is converted from word press theme to blogger with great effort. It has all things you are looking for like thumbnail posting, tabbed sidebar, social bookmarking button, add banner , Google Adsense, three navigation bar, two on top and one on bottom, and more..
Primewin Blogger Template a two column, elegant background and solid design,stylish navigation menu, Open post with great header Bottom banner …Template has been designed a very Professional quality .It is a very neat and clean template with lot of features blogger template.
Configure Meta tags : Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML.Now Scroll down to where you see below codes :
<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
Replace DESCRIPTION HERE,KEYWORDS HERE as below. DESCRIPTION HERE : Write your blog description KEYWORDS HERE: Write the keywords of your blog separated by comma.
How To Configure Favicon : Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML.Now Scroll down to where you see below code :
<link href='YOUR-FAVICON-URL' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/'/>
Now replace "YOUR-FAVICON-URL" with your Favicon address/url.