Futebol Blogger Theme |
Template author: Blogger Buster
Description: Futebol Blogger Theme is a professional looking theme that has an interesting layout. The header includes a horizontal menu bar to add your categories, the image of the grass and football looks quite nice. Below it is the search box, drop-down menu for post labels or tags and the subscribe icons. To activate the search form, find the following code in Edit Html and add your blog url.
<div id='subnav'>
<div id='subleft'>
<form action=' BLOG URLsearch' id='search' method='get'>
<label class='hidden' for='s'> Search: </ label>
<input id='subsearch' name='q' type='text' value=''/>
<input id='subsubmit' type='submit' value='Go'/>
</ form> </ div>
The main column appears in a different format. Here the last published post is highlighted in a bigger box and summarized automatically with a larger image than the other posts.
Whereas the rest of the posts appear automatically in smaller boxes in a summarized format with thumbnail images. The boxes have rounded edges which are not visible in Internet Explorer. The sidebar on the left can be used to place additional blogger widgets.